Hospital ‘expedite letter’

Only the hospital can compare your needs with those of other patients on their waiting list and they will action your request accordingly.

If you want to inform a hospital of a change in your symptoms, you may use the template shown here when contacting the hospital. (Click and drag over the text in the panel on the right, copy and paste into your document, then add your personal details).

You should post your letter to either Outpatient Appointments (for first letter appointments) or your consultant’s secretary (for follow-up care).

Date: <enter date>


<enter Outpatients address or Hospital address here>


Dear Sir/Madam,

<enter your full name, date of birth and your NHS number (if you have this)>
<enter your address>
<enter your telephone number>

My GP has referred me to you for assessment of <enter your original problem here>.

I am contacting you because <add a brief description of the reason you are contacting the hospital, any change in symptoms since your referral would be useful>.

I would be grateful if you could consider the above comments and get back to me as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,



<enter your name>